12:15 p.m.

I smile, yawn and stretch as I awake to beautiful sunshine and blue skies sifting in through my off-white draperies. In the corner of my decoratively cluttered and haphazard room I see my effortlessly healthy umbrella palm move slightly in the warm breeze that is passing through the room.
I put on my light linen robe and step out onto my balcony overlooking a beautiful viridian canopy. I pour myself a cup of jasmine green tea and sink into my perfectly worn-in chair.

1:30 p.m.
I dress and stroll out onto my front patio where my light blue helmet is resting on the table.

I put it under my arm and set off to meet my best friend, Ashley Paul, who is waiting patiently at our favorite cafe.

I have another cup of tea; this time I opt for Earl Grey with a tea-spoon of sugar. We discuss the ills and misfortunes of society, including Grigory Rasputin's undeserved reputation, the lack of tawdry historical fiction in bookshelves around the country, and, of course,hippies.

3:00 p.m.
Between the after-lunch break and 11:00 p.m., I complete 40 pages of my future best-selling autobiography, which is later turned into a video that plays on VH1: Movies that Rock
After pulling my new work out of my trusty old Underwood,we hit up the discotheques around the block.

4:45 a.m.
The epic dance moves look like they will never come to an end...until a wild candy raver pulls the fire alarm. We turn in at 5:00 a.m. and slip into a state of legendary unconsciousness.

Twas the perfect day, indeed.
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